• October 25th

    Doors open at 6:30. Trivia starts at 7:00.

    Held at Trinity Church (3515 Shackelford Rd.)

    Table cost - $160 (8 people per table)

    Mulligans, raffle baskets, and refreshments available for purchase.

    reserve your table by emailing


    Order your merch with this link.

    Exciting news! The amazing and talented Amber Kibler with Kibler Creative is doing our merch again this year. We have been busy working on designs and products that will be offered in this sale. Dates run from October 14-November 7th . Studio merch makes great Christmas gifts, so we like to give her plenty of time to get things in for the holiday season . This year we are offering a Center Stage logo design, as well as this year's recital theme design!

    Check out our flyer HERE


  • Find out more on our Calendar!

  • Our dance year starts on September 9th, so make sure you're ready! Parents, make sure you have signed our consent form, have the proper shoes and clothes for your child, and have read all of our other parent information for the year.

    Students, make sure you come prepared with a good attitude, a readiness to learn, and willingness to have fun!

  • Our recital dates for this year are June 4th-6th